Intensive Relationship Enrichment Course
A Personal-Relational Transformation Process to
Reboot and Refresh Your Relationship
It is common for couples to have ups and downs in their relationship and to struggle from time to time. This course assists partners heal, develop and synergize to create the relationship and life they desire. It provides concepts, insights, skills, processes and tools to assist them in their journey through videos, reading, downloadables and other resources. The work not only helps reboot and refresh the relationship but have a transformative life experience.
Do you feel stuck and yearn for more in your relationship?ย
Upgrade Mindset
Empower yourself and break the impasse by setting effective boundaries, improving ownership and accountability, and shifting to a Relationship Enrichment Mindset. Improve mental hygiene and increase self-esteem.
Do you experience frequent misunderstandings?ย
Improve Understanding
Have safer interactions, have more purposeful and meaningful conversations, and better understand each other by upgrading your communication skills and tools. Get on the same page, align on desires, and deeply know each other.
Do you have recurring conflicts and disagreements?ย
Change Dynamics
Stop the looping, the recurring patterns, and having the same old fights in your relationship by understanding how your dynamics work, how to change them and how to better meet needs. Increase resilience, improve self-management, heal your wounds and grow yourself up.
Do you feel lonely, taken for granted, and unappreciated?ย
Deepen Connection
Increase and deepen your connection and intimacy and have more fun with your partner by eliminating the 5 Culprits of Low Desire and establishing Connection Habits. Transcend attraction and compatibility issues, nurture your relationship, date your partner.
Are you carrying the brunt of the responsibilities in your home?ย
Become Partners
Create a strong partnership and collaboration by embracing a Relationship Enrichment Lifestyle with upleveled enrichment routines and a collaboration protocol. Create a Joint Life Vision, design your Ideal Day and set up collaboration systems.
A self-paced 10-week program (to be completed together or alone, on your own time) with inspiring, empowering and transformational content, access to our Member Center and Private Community, and two (2) zoom Themed Supportive Q&A calls per month with Emma (available live and in recording, anonymity protected, and questions can be pre-submitted), and other complimentary subscriptions.